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What is Telcordia GR-326-CORE?

>> Who is Telcordia?

Together with the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs), Bellcore published specifications for many products used by Telecom Service Providers.

Examples of the more widely mentioned of these specifications are GR-20-CORE, “Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable”, for outside plant cables and GR-409-CORE, “Generic Requirements for Premises Fiber Optic Cable”, for intrabuilding cable.

In 1997, Bellcore was purchased by SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) and renamed Telcordia. Telcordia continues to maintain various product specifications.


>> What is Telcordia GR-326-CORE?

Telcordia GR-326-CORE, “Generic Requirements for Single-mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies,” is a specification for single-mode connectors and cable assemblies only.

GR-326 does not address requirements for multimode connector products, which are rarely utilized in the targeted telecom market, nor does GR-326 address requirements for field installable connectors which can be used to create assemblies in the field.

Essentially, GR-326 is a performance specification for cable assemblies. Since connector installation techniques can affect the performance of the assembly product, one cannot predict the performance of assemblies solely based on one manufacturer’s epoxy and polish connectors.

That is why users of patchcords and cable assemblies frequently use GR-326 to specify basic performance requirements for connectors and connectorized cable assembly products.

<Contents Covered in GR-326>






>> Summary

FO4SALE is committed to supplying customers with high quality connector products. However, in the case of epoxy and polish connectors, the installation processes can significantly impact the performance of the completed cable assembly as required by GR-326.

When a requesting an assembly product that is “compliant to GR-326”, it is prudent to gain an understanding of the level of compliance needed or required. Is full compliance to every requirement in GR-326 required or relevant? Or just some portion of the full GR-326 set of requirements satisfactory, (e.g. endface geometry).

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