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How to use NTT-AT's Cletop-S type A fiber connector cleaner for SC, ST, FC, LC, MU connectors?


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This is Cletop-S optical fiber connector cleaner from NTT-AT, made in Japan.

This is the type A version for cleaning SC, ST, FC, LC, MU, Biconic, DIN and D4 connectors.

When you push this button, the cleaning cloth is exposed. Just push your connector 90 degree vertical on the cleaning cloth, keep some pressure, and wipe it in this direction.

When you release the button, the cover is returned back.

It cleans SC connectors, FC connector, and ST connectors.

Here is a window showing how much tape is left over, this tape is replaceable.

You can unlock the cover, and open it to change to a new cartridge tape.

This is a type A blue tape, Fiber Optics For Sale also has this tape in stock.

Here is how to put the tape back.

This tape offers 400 times of dry cleaning for SC, ST, FC, LC, MU, DIN, Biconic and D4 connectors.

We have this product in stock at Order it by following the link below.

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