E-62-493 25mm Dia x -75mm FL VIS 0° Coated, Negative Achromatic Lens
E-62493 25mm Dia x -75mm FL VIS 0° Coated, Negative Achromatic Lens
Diameter (mm): 25.00 +0.0/-0.025
Effective Focal Length EFL (mm): -75.00
Focal Length Tolerance (%): ±1
Back Focal Length BFL (mm): -77.65
Focal Length Specification Wavelength (nm): 587.6
Clear Aperture CA (mm): 24.00
Centering (arcmin): <1
Center Thickness CT 1 (mm): 2.50
Center Thickness CT 2 (mm): 4.06
Center Thickness Tolerance (mm): ±0.2
Radius R1 (mm): -46.07
Radius R2 (mm): 36.65
Radius R3 (mm): 108.00
Edge Thickness ET (mm): 8.90
f/#: 3.00
Numerical Aperture NA: 0.17
Coating: VIS 0° (425-675nm)
Coating Specification: Ravg ≤0.4% @ 425 - 675nm
Power (P-V) @ 632.8nm: 1.5λ
Irregularity (P-V) @ 632.8nm: λ/4
Bevel: Protective bevel as needed
Type: Negative Achromatic Lens
Wavelength Range (nm): 425 - 675
Product Family Description
- VIS 0° and VIS-NIR Coatings
- 6.25 – 25mm Diameter Options
TECHSPEC® Broadband AR Coated Negative Achromatic Lenses are corrected for color and on-axis aberrations. These lenses, consisting of two optical elements cemented together, are commonly used as Barlow lenses to extend focal lengths. TECHSPEC® Broadband AR Coated Negative Achromatic Lenses are available in various diameter sizes and VIS 0° or VIS-NIR coating options.