Network Management Card for the FRM220 chassis
Product description
FRM220-NMC card provides full remote management of the FRM220-CH20 chassis. FRM220-NMC has a built-in console serial port and supports telnet, SNMP, web-based, in-band TS-1000 and 802.3ah compatible management.
The FRM220-NMC also knows stacking, one card can manage 8 FRM220-CH20 stacked chassis. Any of the FRM220 converters, FRM220-10-100I Fast Ethernet series, FRM220-1000EAS Gigabit series, FRM220-Serial cards or FRM220-FXO-FXS media converters can be managed by the FRM220-NMC card, either in the chassis or as remote converters. Besides traditional parameters of media converters, the FRM220-NMC card allows also control of bandwidth on both copper on fiber ports for the Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet converter series.
Product Sheet: