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T-HC-1060 - Hollow Core PCF, 1060 nm, Ø9.0 µm Core, Pricing Per Meter

Fosco Connect Part No.: T-HC-1060

  • $ 875.00 or

T-HC-1060 - Hollow Core PCF, 1060 nm, Ø9.0 µm Core, Pricing Per Meter

  • Available with Design Wavelengths of 820, 1060, or 1550 nm
  • 7-Cell Core Offers Large Continuous Operation Bandwidth
  • Small Number of Core Modes and Parasitic Surface Modes
  • Near-Gaussian Fundamental Mode
  • Virtually Free of Optical Nonlinearity
  • Ultra-Low Bend Loss
  • Low Fresnel Reflection from the End-Faces (Modal Index ≈ 1)


  • Delivery of Ultra-Short High-Power Optical Pulses
  • Pulse Compression and Pulse Shaping
  • Sensors and Spectroscopy

Modal Properties
As with conventional single mode fibers, the favored mode in hollow-core PCFs has a quasi-Gaussian intensity distribution. Even though hollow core PCFs are intended to be used like other single mode fibers, no currently available low-loss hollow-core PCF is a true single mode waveguide; typically, they support several higher order core modes and, in some cases, additional “surface” modes located at the core-cladding boundary. All of these modes have higher loss than the fundamental mode and generally decay rapidly, but their presence needs to be taken into account when designing input and output coupling optics.

Chromatic Dispersion
Unlike in conventional fiber where material dispersion plays a major role, group velocity dispersion (GVD) in hollow-core PCF is dominated by waveguide dispersion. A plot of dispersion versus wavelength is upward sloping and crosses zero close to the center of the operating wavelength band, for any design wavelength, including those where the dispersion of silica makes it impossible to achieve zero dispersion in conventional fiber. 

Hollow core fibers only guide light within the wavelength range covered by the photonic bandgap in the cladding. Outside of that range, loss increases sharply. 

Please note that these fibers will ship with both ends sealed in order to prevent moisture and dust from entering the hollow capillary structure during storage. Prior to use, it is necessary to cleave them using, for example, our S90R Ruby Fiber Scribe or our Vytran® CAC400 Compact Fiber Cleaver.

Item # T-HC-1060
Optical Properties
Design Wavelength 1060 nm
Mode Field Diameter 6.7 ± 1 µm
Operating Wavelength Range 1030 - 1090 nm
Attenuation <100 dB/km
Core Index Proprietary
Cladding Index Proprietary
Physical Properties
Core Diameter 9.0 ± 1.5 µm
Cladding Diameter 120 ± 5 µm
Coating Diameter (Fiber O.D.) 240 ± 40 µm
Cladding Material Pure Silica
Coating Material Acrylate, Single Layer


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