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T-RP23 - Reflection Probe with Round Leg, Ø200 µm, Low-OH (400 - 2400 nm), SMA to Ø1/4" Probe, 2 m Long

Fosco Connect Part No.: T-RP23

  • $ 780.00 or

T-RP23 - Reflection Probe with Round Leg, Ø200 µm, Low-OH (400 - 2400 nm), SMA to Ø1/4" Probe, 2 m Long

Product Drawing

Each SMA connector is engraved with the fiber output configuration for that leg. Please note that the exact position of the dark fiber used as a spacer in the light source leg is not guaranteed. For the MIR fiber bundle, the dark fiber will never be in the center of the light source leg.

When choosing between bundles that use low-OH silica fiber, high-OH silica fiber, or ZBLAN MIR fiber, it is important to consider the attenuation performance in the wavelength range of interest as all three fiber types  overlapping operating wavelength ranges. Low- and high-OH silica fibers provide lower attenuation at visible wavelengths, while the ZBLAN fiber provides low, relatively flat attenuation for wavelengths from 2.0 - 3.6 µm. 

Hydroxyl Content Low OH

Wavelength Range 400 - 2400 nm

Fiber Item # FG200LEA

Jacket Item # FT061PS

Light Source Leg SMA Connector, Round Bundle

Sample Leg Ø1/4" Probe

Spectrometer Leg SMA Connector, Single Fiber

Fiber Core Diameter 200 ± 4 µm

Fiber Cladding Diameter 220 ± 2 µm

NA 0.22 ± 0.02

Min Bend Radius Short Term 23 mm, Long Term 46 mm

Fiber Attenuation Plot



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