TH-DT12XYZ-M - 12.7 mm XYZ Dovetail Translation Stage with Baseplate, M4 Taps
TH-DT12XYZ-M - 12.7 mm XYZ Dovetail Translation Stage with Baseplate, M4 Taps
The TH-DT12XYZ(-M) is a compact, three-axis translation stage that incorporates a dovetail and lead screw translation mechanism for smooth linear positioning along the entire range of travel for each axis. It consists of a TH-DT12XY(-M) 2-Axis Stage with a TH-DT12(-M) stage attached using a DT12A Angle Bracket. The stage also includes a base plate to mount it directly to optical tables. Please note that the two stages forming the XY portion are permanently attached and cannot be separated.