Fibercore 1550nm Polarization Maintaining Fiber for Telecom and EDFA, 400µm Coating
FIBERCORE 1550nm Polarization Maintaining Fiber for Telecom and EDFA 400µm Coating
FIBERCORE HB-T Series 125/400µm, 9µm (nominal) MFD fiber for telecommunications and EDFA applications at wavelengths between 980 nm and 1550 nm.
HB980T and HB1480T have been designed specifically for the polarisation multiplexing of EDFA pµmp diodes.
With advanced photonic devices incorporating PM fibers now in volµme production, multi-sourcing has become a fact of life. All HB-T fibers are designed to be highly compatible with other manufacturers PM fibers, with splice losses and extinction-ratios of better than 0.1 dB and -30 dB, respectively, achieved routinely.
FIBERCORE HB-T Series Polarization Maintaining Fiber for Telecom and EDFA Spec Sheet: Fibercore HB-T PM Telecom Fiber Spec Sheet