E-47-673 6.25mm Dia x 12.5mm EFL Steinheil Triplet Achromatic Lens
E-47673 6.25mm Dia x 12.5mm EFL Steinheil Triplet Achromatic Lens
Diameter (mm): 6.25 +0.0/-0.025
Effective Focal Length EFL (mm): 12.50
Focal Length Tolerance (%): ±1
Back Focal Length BFL (mm): 8.94
Focal Length Specification Wavelength (nm): 587.6
Centering (arcmin): <3
Center Thickness CT (mm): 9.00
Center Thickness A (mm): 5.00
Center Thickness B (mm): 2.00
Center Thickness Tolerance (mm): ±0.3
Radius R1 (mm): 7.81
Radius R2 (mm): 4.09
Radius R3 (mm): -4.09
Radius R4 (mm): -7.81
Surface Quality: 40-20
f/#: 2.00
Numerical Aperture NA: 0.25
Coating: MgF2 (400-700nm)
Coating Specification: Ravg ≤1.75% @ 400 - 700nm
Power (P-V) @ 632.8nm: 1.5λ
Irregularity (P-V) @ 632.8nm: λ/4
Bevel: Protective bevel as needed
Type: Achromatic Triplet Lens
Wavelength Range (nm): 400 - 700
Product Family Description
- Designed for 1:1 Conjugate Ratios
- Ideal for Relay Systems
TECHSPEC® Steinheil Triplet Achromatic Lenses are designed for 1:1 conjugate ratios and utilize symmetry to correct for aberrations. Steinheils are made from a low index center element cemented between two identical high index outer elements. Each lens is edged down to f-numbers with reasonable aberration correction at increased fields. TECHSPEC® Steinheil Triplet Achromatic Lenses feature small diameters that allow for mounting in smaller spaces compared to traditional Steinheil lens designs. Steinheil Triplets are ideal for use in relay systems.