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T-PFD05-03-AG - Ø1/2" Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver D-Shaped Mirror

Fosco Connect Part No.: T-PFD05-03-AG

  • $ 79.00 or

T-PFD05-03-AG - Ø1/2" Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver D-Shaped Mirror

  • Choose from Nine Coatings:
    • UV-Enhanced Aluminum: 250 - 450 nm
    • Protected Silver: 450 nm - 20 µm
    • Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver: 750 nm - 1000 nm
    • Protected Gold: 800 nm - 20 µm
    • MIR-Enhanced Gold: 2 μm - 20 μm 
    • -E01 Broadband Dielectric Coating: 350 - 400 nm
    • -E02 Broadband Dielectric Coating: 400 - 750 nm
    • -E03 Broadband Dielectric Coating: 750 - 1100 nm
    • -E04 Broadband Dielectric Coating: 1280 - 1600 nm
  • Choose from Ø1/2" or Ø1" Versions
  • Ideal for Use with Closely Spaced Beams
  • Reflective Coating Beveled 0.1 mm at Straight Edge
Damage Threshold Specifications
Coating Designation
(Item # Suffix)
Type Damage Threshold
-AG Pulsed 0.18 J/cm2 (800 nm, 52 fs FWHM S-Pol, 1000 Pulses)
0.39 J/cm2 (800 nm, 52 fs FWHM S-Pol, Single Pulse)


Product Drawing

Coating Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver
Item # T-PFD05-03-AG T-PFD10-03-AG
Coating Range 750 - 1000 nm
Diameter Ø1/2" Ø1"
Diameter Tolerance +0.0/-0.1 mm
Thickness 6.0 mm ± 0.2 mm
Substrate Fused Silica
Front Surface Flatness λ/10 @ 633 nm
Surface Quality 40-20 Scratch-Dig
Clear Aperture >90% of Diameter
Reflectance R> 98.5% and R> 99% from 750 nm - 1000 nm
Group Delay Dispersion
(@ 45° AOI)
S-Pol: |GDD| < 20 fs2 
P-Pol: |GDD| < 30 fs
Parallelism ≤5 arcmin
Damage Threshold (Pulse) 0.18 J/cm2 (800 nm, 52 fs FWHM, S-Pol, 1000 Pulses)
0.39 J/cm2 (800 nm, 52 fs FWHM, S-Pol, Single Pulse)
Damage Threshold (CW) -


These mirrors are manufactured with a silver coating and dielectric overcoat, a combination which provides >98.5% reflectance for p-polarized light and >99% reflectance for s-polarized light over the 750 - 1000 nm wavelength range at 45° AOI. Our -AG coating largely retains the low group delay dispersion (GDD) intrinsic to metallic coatings with the |GDD| for s-polarized light < 20 fs2 and the |GDD| for p-polarized light < 30 fs2

The plot to the right shows the measured reflectance of this coating as a function of wavelength. The shaded region denotes the range over which we recommend using these optics. Data was obtained at a 45° angle of incidence.



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